Pre-Registration FAQs for Advisors
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Advisor Pre-Registration FAQs
What does your student need prior to completing their course request?
- Meet with the advisor.
- Discuss the order of priority for the courses the student plans to enter into the Course Request Form.
- Discuss alternate courses where appropriate.
- Advisor will confirm with student the appropriate overrides to request.
- Remove any holds.
- Meet with Disability Resource Center if the student has a disability to ensure appropriate accommodations are satisfied.
What will the student see if the pre-registration window is not open?
A warning box will appear that says "You are not allowed to make any changes at the moment. Please contact your advisor if you need to make a change."
How do you check your student's Pre-Registration Course Request?
Go to Batch Dashboard to check the status of the course selections.
How can a student check what a prerequisite is for a course?
Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to search for the course. Scroll down to the Details tab where prerequisites are displayed.What if dual credit or transfer credit is not loaded and your student needs an override to get a course?
The advisor will need to see an official or unofficial copy of the transcript in order to provide an override for the student. Once that is in place, they may attempt to request that course. Depending on timing, it may take two nights to clear out in the workflow.
Will students receive an error message if they try to request two classes that are offered at the same time?
Not necessarily. However, they can ignore the message and still include it on the request form. The student will only be registered for one of the courses.
What if the schedule includes overlapping times/classes?
Some courses (ex: BAND 11000 is an example) allow students to miss a prescribed amount of class times. Students should consult with the instructor of the course.How do students select an online course?
By default, the pre-registration process tries to optimize a workable schedule for each student. The first priority in the process is the traditional on campus offering. If students would like to select a preference of “online” they can do so by searching for the course in the course finder and clicking the online box (if available).How do students select a variable title/variable credit course?
It is best to add variable title/variable credit courses during open registration. Students should work with their advisor to ensure they do not exceed the maximum credit hour limit.
What if the student is assigned an online or hybrid course and they do not want it?
They may attempt to find a face-to-face offering of the course using their registration PIN once their time ticket opens. They can locate their time ticket in myPurdue and locate the Register for Classes card.When selecting courses and students see letters after the course number, what do they mean?
Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to see additional notes related to the course offering which will provide additional clarification.
How do students add additional alternate courses to the course request page?
Click the plus sign on the right side of the course entry to add another alternate line. It is advisable to add no more than two alternates per course selection.How many substitutes (at the bottom of the page) can a student add?
Students may add substitute courses at the bottom of the course request page in place of any of the courses listed above. Please note the more substitute courses they add, this will create a higher max credit and may require an override.Why is the student receiving an error message that they have less than 15 credit hours?
In order for students to make progress towards completion of a Bachelor’s degree in four years, it is expected that all students register for a minimum of 15 credits per semester. Please note, students will be able to save their course request with less than 15 credit hours, even though it is not recommended.
Will the student receive an error if they attempt to pre-register for more than 18 credit hours?
a) No, if the advisor enters a maximum credit override during the advising session with the student via the myPurdue max credit override option.b) Yes, if the advisor did not proactively enter the override previously. The student can submit an override request through the Course Request Form while pre-registering for courses. The advisor can then approve/deny max credit request.
What if a student does not get a required high priority course?
The algorithm attempts to maximize students’ choices. A student cannot be registered in a course if:
- The course is already full. Consult with the advisor to see if waitlisting is an option.
- There is a conflicting time with another scheduled course.
- The student doesn’t meet the prerequisites or restrictions for the course.
What if the class times the student was given are not what they wanted?
The University used your course request form (and alternatives) to create the most optimal schedule for you. You should consult with your advisor to determine if making a change is recommended.
Free time requests are intended for students who cannot be scheduled into class during certain periods of the day (e.g., work, childcare, disability, etc.).
Placing a free time request at a high priority may prevent the scheduling process from placing you into a lower priority course if that course conflicts with the requested free time. As a direct result, this may impact receiving a required course or a full schedule.
Do students need to select their learning community courses?
No. Students will see these courses listed first on their Course Request page greyed out with a lock icon. They will not be able to modify these courses. Questions about Learning Community should be directed to the Learning Community office.
What if the student no longer wants to remain in their Learning Community?
After consulting with you, the student should reach out to Learning Community at or 765-494-5785.
When can students attempt to test out of COM 11400?
For more information students may review the COM 11400 website.
If students want to test out of COM 11400, can they also register for COM 11400 in case they don’t pass the test out?
No, if students select to test out of COM 11400, then they may not add COM 11400 on their Course Request page. If they attempt to perform both, the COM 11400 course request will be removed prior to scheduling the student for classes.
Will the COM 11400 test out meet the University Core requirement for Oral Communication?
Yes, Credit by Exam will be awarded for COM 11400 that will meet the University Core requirement for Oral Communication.
When can students attempt the placement for a Foreign Language?
For more information students may review the Foreign Language Placement testing website.
How can students enter their athletic or PMO time block?
Please reference the website below to identify the appropriate REG course number that the student will enter on the course request form.
How can students enter a free time request?
The student will use the magnifying glass icon to enter free time requests. The student will select the ‘Free Time’ tab and click on each half hour grid square that should be free. Press the ‘Select’ button or use the enter key to insert the free time request into the Course Requests grid.
Free time requests are intended for students who cannot be scheduled into class during certain periods of the day (e.g., work, childcare, disability, etc.).
A high priority free time request may prevent the scheduling process from placing you into a lower priority course if that course meets during the requested free time. As a direct result, this may impact receiving a required course or a full schedule.
When will students receive their course schedule?
They will receive an email advising them when their schedule is final and available to view.What if the student has no classes scheduled for them?
They did not submit a Course Request Form within their time status. They should contact their academic advisor for assistance. If a PIN was provided, they may register for classes once their time ticket opens. They can view their time ticket in myPurdue under Registration status.
Can the student try to rearrange their schedule?
They should have received advice from the advisor on whether to arrange their schedule or not. They may try at their own risk. The University optimizes all available space, thus open seats will be limited.How long does a student have to make changes to their schedule?
Refer to the Add/Drop Refund & Deadline Calendars and click on the semester of choice.
Guide on Add/Drop/Revisions in Scheduling Assistant.
Can I send my student an e-mail through the Online Scheduling Dashboard?
Yes, while Boiler Connect is the authoritative source for capturing communication with your student(s), you can send an email through the Online Scheduling Dashboard:
- Enter the student's PUID on the filter line and click Search.
- Click on Students tab.
- Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the External ID.
- Click on the icon (x inside a circle) to the left of the External ID.
- Select Send email...
- Fill out the email form.
- You can include the Course Requests or the Class Schedule.
- Click SEND (email will be sent from your account).
Can I retrieve the emails that I have sent to my student(s)?
- Yes, by entering the student PUID and operations:student-email in the filter area.
- Click on Change Log.
- Click on individual email instance to view entire message or click on the Export button.
Special Registration FAQs
Can the student add a note when requesting an override?
Yes, they can add a note and then click Request Overrides & Submit.
Can a student edit their note after it has been saved?
Yes, they can click on the note in the Course Request Form or the blue clock icon.
If an override needs to be reviewed, where does the notification come from?
Departmental Designee will be notified by email that they have a request that will have a link to their Special Registration Workflow Request dashboard where the “action” happens to approve, deny or defer an override request. .
If a person is the primary advisor of a student and is listed as a Registration Program Agent (RPA), will the notification automatically move to the second Registration Program Agent? Or will the notification have to go to 1 first, then 2?
When a student requests an override, it goes to their Departmental Designee. If action is not taken by 4pm of the next business day, then it is escalated to the Office of the Registrar. If the Departmental Designee responds within the timeframe, nothing goes to the Office of the Registrar.How does the Departmental Designee add notes to the deferral request?
- Enter free form comments in box after date
- Select from drop-down predefined deferral reasons
When deferred, will there be a notification on the date selected for the deferral?
When the Departmental Designee selects “defer” as the option then they must also select a date to defer to. After the selected date passes, it is considered past due and is escalated to Office of the Registrar. The Departmental Designee can still see the work item and process it whether it be before or after the defer date.